
Data Science

We specialize in rapid project development for small and early-stage businesses. As start-up veterans, we know how to build lean and fast, with infrastructure and code that can scale as your business grows.

Our Services

Data Acquisition

Get the data you need to drive your business.

  • Web-scraping, mining public datasets
  • Integration / extraction from internal data systems

Data Science

Extract usable information from your data.

  • Classification, clustering, and predictive modeling
  • NLP and text-based matching
  • Image matching and analysis

Data Architecture

Process data at scale.

  • Efficiently transform raw data and apply pre-trained models
  • Scalable for the future without overbuilding now

Our Clients

  • Seed-funded and A-round funded start-ups looking to produce an MVP quickly
  • SMB companies outside the tech-sector with targeted data projects

Our Lean Focus

Agile planning and
short-term projects

Simple infrastructure that can scale later

Cloud deployment using industry-standard tools

Our Team

Genevieve Graves
Co-Founder, CEO
Genevieve is an experienced science and technology leader, with an eye for pragmatic problem solving, team building, and scientific communication. She holds BA and PhD degrees in Physics and Astrophysics from Harvard and UC Santa Cruz, and spent several years as a research astrophysicist and data scientist at UC Berkeley and Princeton before leaving academia to join the HR tech startup hiQ Labs as their first employee. At hiQ, she led the Data Science, Product, and Engineering teams, with ultimate oversight of everything that the company built, and management responsibility for 2/3 of the company. She has since launched the data science efforts at multiple startups as an embedded consultant, working closely with teams to assess their data science needs, build their MVP, and help them hire teams when they're ready.

Dan miller
Co-Founder, CTO
Dan is a serial entrepreneur and technologist, whose accomplishments include co-founding audio/video streaming and compression company On2 Technologies in the 1990s, which went public with Dan as CEO, and was acquired by Google in 2010. On2's HTML5/webM video compression now powers Youtube, and is natively supported in Firefox, Opera, and Chrome browsers. Subsequently, he worked as a research associate at Carnegie Mellon University on robotics, digital physics, and cellular automata, then continued the robotics work as VP of Engineering at Anybots. More recently, as CTO and founding team member at hiQ Labs, Dan constructed hiQ's complete original technology stack: gathering and integrating large-scale public data, modeling it using advanced analytics, and deploying it to customers in a web app. As a consultant, he helps small companies architect and deploy their MVP data stack using cloud-based, scalable technologies to ensure they are ready to grow.

Contact Us

Phone: (+1) 510-847 -6010
Email: info@eye0.com

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